BYE BYE Paso Chico Bungalows
With heartbreaking feelings we have to tell you that Paso Chico will close the doors! Some of you maybe know that we were in discussion with the property owner for a renewing of our contract. This discoussion was not ending well. Paso Chico is closed in January 2025! This means no more bookings possible!We do not know what will happen with Paso Chico after we will leave, but as we understand the owner he wants to do the place by his own or at least one of his „kids“ will do it then, we don't know exactly. One thing we think is clear, Gay Only is history in Paso Chico after nearly 25 years! However an ending is always a beginnig and we are in hard planings to begin something new. As soon all is sorted out we will let you all knwo guys! Watch our for our newsletters as we will inform you by this way because Paso Chico is our BrandName which still will be in our Hands! Thanks for all the years with you guys and hopefully we will see us in the future.